About Us

Keystone College Planning is the college planning branch of Keystone Financial Group - a holistic financial planning firm located in Gahanna, Ohio. We provide college planning and advisory services to help parents plan and pay for college throughout the Columbus, Ohio area and beyond.

Our mission is to make sure every family we meet with has a solid plan to pay for college for all of your children, without impacting your future retirement.

What sets us apart is our focus on creating a holistic college plan - from student services like test prepping, school selection, and coaching on majors and careers, to tips and strategies on maximizing your financial aid eligibility, to helping parents put together a comprehensive plan to help ALL of their children get through school with minimum student loan debt, we are here to help!

We will work with you throughout the entire college planning process and beyond, to make sure you are well-prepared financially - not just for college costs - but also for your own retirement years.

Our comprehensive process ensures that both you and your student have the support and guidance you need every step of the way, and our unique financial strategies will help you learn to create wealth while paying for college.

To learn more about what we do, visit our Services page, and be sure to register for one of our FREE educational workshops for more on what you need to do to make sure you are prepared for the high cost of college!





Ryan Fleming - College Planning Specialist


Certified Financial Fiduciary ® (CFF), Certified College Financial Consultant (CCFC)

Ryan has been a college planning specialist in the Columbus area for over 14 years. As a Certified Financial Fiduciary ® (CFF) and a Certified College Financial Consultant, Ryan takes pride in helping others plan for their financial futures by avoiding wealth transfers and conflicts of interest.

Ryan specializes in helping parents of college college-bound students plan for one of the largest wealth transfers of their lives. He enjoys working with coachable individuals who are interested in learning better and more effective ways to plan for their financial future.

Ryan conducts free educational college planning workshops throughout the Columbus area and beyond. He also consults individually with parents and students to help them improve their financial aid picture and pay for college on a tax-favored basis.

Ryan lives in Pickerington with his wife, two children, and their Chocolate Lab. His oldest son is attending college at Baldwin Wallace University. Ryan enjoys spending quality time with his family, travel and coaching his kid’s sports. He participates in his local church and also helps lead a high school bible study ministry.


The Certified Financial Fiduciary® certification is an accredited professional designation provided by the National Association of Certified Financial Fiduciaries (NACFF), Charlotte, NC. To receive this designation, the individual must complete a certification and training process created by NACFF and The American Financial Education Alliance. The individual must complete a 1-day training course and pass the Program Assessment. The program educates professional advisors about the laws, rules and regulations that determine when the individual is acting as a fiduciary. 10 Annual Continuing Education Hours must be completed to renew the certification. The continuing education keeps the individual up to date on the fiduciary rules.


Sean Casey - College Planning Specialist


College Planning & Retirement Specialist

Sean has a background in sales and personal finance, and a B.S. in Consumer and Family Financial Services from the Ohio State University. He prides himself on providing a holistic financial planning experience for his clients and strives to provide transparency in the often-confusing world of personal finance.

Sean works with our team to help families avoid overpaying for the high cost of college, while developing strategies to fund the gap of college in the most tax-efficient manner.

Sean also loves helping families realize their retirement goals with the utmost confidence and security, and he assists his clients in building income and distribution plans so that they can enjoy their retirement years with comfort and certainty.

In his personal life, Sean has enjoyed volunteering by serving the community of Pickaway County as an EMT and Firefighter. He also participated in community programs with the Circleville Fire Department and spearheaded projects to increase safety and awareness across the county. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wife, participating in community outreach programs and playing golf. Sean lives in Gahanna with his wife and their two dogs and two friendly reptiles.


Rose Sarko


Customer Relations Manager

Rose has a B.A. from the University of Arkansas, and a Master’s degree in Library & Information Science from Louisiana State University. Rose has professional experience in several areas, including copy-writing, web design and internet marketing, information management systems, and sales.

Rose assists our team with workshop setup and marketing, manages our appointment schedules and special events, and helps with the onboarding process for new college planning clients.

Rose is also an online business owner, and in her spare time, she enjoys cooking, gardening, learning about marketing, and spending time with her husband and their Chocolate Lab, barn cat, and assorted chickens on their small homestead outside of Westerville.

Greg Davis


Career & Education Consultant

Greg has 15+ years of experience as a higher education professional working with graduate program management, undergraduate academic advising, and residence hall supervision. Prior to his career in higher education, Greg worked with adolescent residential crisis care after completing his undergraduate degrees at Ohio Christian University in Psychology and Business, as well as his Masters degree in Student Development Counseling at Indiana Wesleyan University.

Greg joined our team in 2015 with the goal to help high school students prepare for their future careers by exploring collegiate fit for their personal and professional aspirations and guiding them through the general preparation for their university applications. Greg is Strong Interest Inventory® certified and works one-on-one with our college planning families and students to help prepare them for a successful college experience and future career.

Greg resides in Commercial Point with his wife and son and enjoys golf, video games, and watching the Bengals and Buckeyes!


The Strong Interest Inventory Certification indicates the individual has completed the appropriate training course and is qualified to administer the Strong Interest Inventory. Strong Interest Inventory is a trademark or registered trademark of The Myers-Briggs
Company in the United States and other countries.

We Help Families Create Wealth While Paying for College